Learning Made Easy For You

Examine some of our features

Personal Experience

Create your own flashcards and study on the road.

Voice Control

We are fully voice-controlled so that you can put your eyes on the road.

Real Time Feedback

Know immediately whether or not your answer was correct.

What is Commuter Study?

Do you find it hard to make time to study?

Commuter Study aims to eliminate this issue by allowing users to study while driving.


Create Your Own Flashcards

Our service currently allows users to enter their flashcards, which are then saved to our database and can be accessed anytime, anywhere.


Study your flashcards

All voice controlled

Either listen to all of your flashcards via Study mode, or actively test yourself user the Test mode.


Who is SnackOverflow?

We are 4 Computer Science students at Cal Poly Pomona with diverse backgrounds in the industry and acadamia.

Danielle Holzberger

Part Time Software Engineer at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Jakub Kupsik

Lead Developer and Computer Science Course Material Grader at Cal Poly Pomona.

Bao Chau

Web and Open Source Developer, Instructional Assistant and Workshop Facilitator at Cal Poly Pomona

Victor Darkes

Web Developer with Student Innovation Idea Lab at Cal Poly Pomona


More Info


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