Travel Just Right

Dream Team | Cal Poly Pomona | Summer 2016


For Cal Poly Pomona's CS480 course, Software Engineering, a group of four students created a Web service that helps users answer a simple vacation question: When should I go? In deciding what problem to solve for our class project, we noticed that while many websites offer suggestions on when to visit a destination in the form of articles, none, to our knowledge, distill this information in an easy-to-digest format. This led us to create Travel Just Right. You simply select a destination, select your preferences, and our algorithm will tell you when to visit.

Dream Team Members

Zachary Coulson, Jason Zhang, Jason La and Rocky Qiu. Guidance from Professor Yu Sun.

More on Travel Just Right

Travel Just Right combines user input (temperature and crowd-level) with data to recommend for users the best months to visit a destination based on their preferences. Presently, we only offer suggestions for America's 59 national parks. We started with these destinations because they're among the country's top destinations and the National Park Service does a great job with providing visitation data on its properties. We hope to add more destinations in the future.

For even more information on Travel Just Right, take a look at these slides.

Our recommendations

Our suggestions are simply a starting point for planning your trip and should be paired with careful research. We hope to refine our recommendations to account for more data points helpful in deciding when to visit a destination.

Our data

Our visitation data is taken from NPS's Integrated Resource Management Applications (IRMA) Portal. For each park, we averaged monthly recreational visits from 2006 to 2015. Our historical weather data is taken from

Our code

If you're interested in seeing which libraries we used or how we implemented a particular feature, check out our Git repository.




Demo Video