Teams & Members

Team Name Member Name Hobbies More about Yourself
SpaceX Elon Musk Coding, AI Work really hard!
Budapest Monkeys Aaron Gonzalez Weightlifting, painting miniatures, working on games. Once this semester finishes I am going be absolutely jacked :^).
Bucking Froncos Nhi Nguyen Traveling, reading, gardening
Bucking Froncos Nathan Tran Gaming, hanging out with friends, and playing pool I'm really worried about the future, but I hope to gain a lot of knowledge this semester!
Bucking Froncos Jesus Ruelas-Perez Gaming, Reading, Exercising Favorite TV Show is Dexter
Bucking Froncos Bryan Trinh Weightlifting, gaming, painting It is what it is..
Aggressive Muffin Consumption April Trinh Stationary and album collecting addict I know too much about pen and paper brands...
Aggressive Muffin Consumption Johnathan Giang Going to the gym, gaming, sleeping I am from the Bay :)
Aggressive Muffin Consumption Danica Cariaga Reading, shopping, and binge watching comedies I play the harp, but you'll probably never see me perform.
Aggressive Muffin Consumption Ricky Fok Games, e-skaing, I'm the principal alto sax player at the school :0
Beap Phillip Dang Running, Hiking, Anime, Manga, Building Computers
Beap Arush Kakkar Badminton, Star Wars, Tech, Shoes I like to play tetris!
Infinite Monkeys Joshua Jones Gaming, movies, playing/writing/listening to music I was really hoping I'd finish my degree without ever having to worry about parking again...
Infinite Monkeys Abdullah Kobaissi Playing basketball, going to the beach, spending time with family, playing video games I have lower back pain (yay)
Beap Daniel Phung Volleyball, gaming, listening to music, anime I've always wanted to try making music, but never got to it.
Beap Yi Huang Video game, Anime, Puzzle I want to make games
The Waitlisters Johnny Ong Video games, listening to music, gymming I go to school from 8am to 10pm this semester :(
The Waitlisters Ana Estrada Rock climbing, camping, cooking I think about rock climbing way too much...
The Waitlisters Alexander Du Video games, Skiing, visiting museums Searching for something I'm really good at
The Waitlisters Andy Munoz Beach, long drives, and eating out My name is Jeff!
Codangz Derek Hoang Video games, anime, bowling I can solve a rubik's cube within 1 minute.
Codangz Ricardo Garcia Reading, video games, and sleep Miss waking up 10 minutes before a zoom meeting
Codangz Thongsavik Sirivong Play guitar, play games, and watch movies/shows/sports/YouTube I'm a space nerd, can't wait for the Starship to liftoff!
Codangz Gaia Dennison Read, go to the gym, run, and hangout with friends I'm running a 19 mile race in April. RIP to me knees.
Infinite Monkeys Ismael Garcia Watching movie/shows, gaming -mostly playstation games. I went snowboarding last year for the first time and I loved it. I'm a very chill person :P
Rate My Bronco Jessica Margala Reading, camping, hiking, or playing games, mostly Valorant. I was an animal science major before I switched to CS!
Budapest Monkeys Nghiep La Games, Sleep, cooking Grind everyday from 7am
Budapest Monkeys Flor Hernandez Plants, video games, and exploring
Fiery Pineapple Qinyi Wang Reading, sleeping, anime
Infinite Monkeys Tyler Yamaguchi Video games (wow so unique), cooking, drawing I like cats, here's a good one:
Beeroscopes Kaye Reeves Video games, history, politics, learning about weird stuff
Beeroscopes Kylan Parayao Read The Website A Basic Website about me. To Be Updated continuously.
Beeroscopes Brian Zeng Kpop(Twice,Red Velvet,Oh My Girl), lurking on Reddit, shooting hoops Went to Twice concert 2/15!!! *gorilla chants*
Beeroscopes Thomas Pickering Video Games, Building Computers, Rock climbing I've been learning Game Development with Unity and hope to make my own fully fledged game some day.
Bronco Coders Imaad Mohammed Gaming, anime/manga, swimming Just trying to make it out of school
Bronco Coders Zicong Liu Video games, Basketball, music I want to develop a popular app
Bronco Coders Dharam Kathiriya Coding, hiking, watching movies Learn by Doing Coding.
Rate My Bronco Arsham Mehrani DJing, Music, comic book nerd Even though I play house music, my favorite genere is movie scores.
Rate My Bronco Sara Nersisian Stocks, gym, hiking I was a professional basketball player, but i haven't touched bball in 4 years
Rate My Bronco Darrell Villasenor playing games and watching movies I eat too much Taco Bell
BudapestMonkeys Ayah League Music, Spanish, Basketball Lefty in a world built for right handers :(
Fiery Pineapples Rosalinda Chamale Listening to music, watching tv, reading. I like coffee.
Fiery Pineapples Alexander Lee Playing games, cooking, watching food travel videos I make some good Korean fried chicken
Bronco Coders Robert Engle Snowboarding, rock climbing, video games. I drink way too much coffee for my own good.
Fiery Pineapples Alma Campos Hanging out with family and friends, baking, painting I just learned how to crochet.